November 7, 2023

Efficacy of Behavioral Changes on Weight Loss in Hypertension Risk Groups

This study meticulously examines the correlation between behavioral modifications and weight loss among individuals at risk of hypertension. It scrutinizes the outcomes of a 14-week intervention targeting dietary habits and physical activity. The intervention's efficacy is measured by the change in participants' Body Mass Index (BMI), with a notable reduction from an initial mean BMI of 28.9 kg/m² to 27.5 kg/m². The research identifies the precision of food record-keeping and the initial BMI as significant predictors, explaining a 38% variance in weight loss. These findings advocate for the critical role of self-monitoring dietary intake and starting BMI in weight loss programs, particularly for those at elevated risk for hypertension.

Citation: Heston, T. F. (1992). Predictors of weight loss in a hypertension prevention program. Southern Medical Journal, 85(Supplement), 3S–31.